Thursday 18 September 2014

Indyref 2014: results map and downloadable data

This page is the result of a little overnight mapping while I watched the Scottish Independence Referendum on 18/19 September 2014. You can explore the results in the map below or download the raw data at the bottom of the page.

I'll add to the map as results come out, but if you click on Glasgow or Edinburgh you'll see that I've loaded in some pretend data for now. You'll also see that in the clickable info windows you can scroll down and download the underlying data table and geographic shapefile (I'll make this link live once all results are in). Most areas are red now as they have no data...

Independence Referendum Results Map (full screen version)

You can access the raw data from the infowindow when you click on the map or by using the links below. Feel free to use this for mapping and exploring the results.

Data table - this is a basic excel table with the the results, including % yes, % no, turnout, area codes and so on.

Shapefile (for GIS users) - this should work fine. You just need to unzip it and add it to the GIS of your choice.

KML- you can download the KML file from either of the map tabs (the ones with the little red map pin icons) at this link.

Small disclaimer: I put these together overnight as the results were coming in. I have checked them for errors but if you spot any problems let me know and I'll fix them.