Thursday 10 July 2014

What is this blog all about?

This blog is all about maps of Scotland and Scottish things. I decided to start it because in my 10+ years living in England I started to get a bit out of touch with things in my native land and since I'm a bit of a mapping and data boffin this blog would be a good way to keep up with things whilst also using my skills in a productive way. It's probably also a bit of a task-avoidance blog but at least it's informative.

I've written a couple of academic papers which either focus on Scottish themes or are explicitly Scottish in focus (exhibit 1), and I've also done a bit of interactive mapping of Scotland as well (exhibit 2) but to date most of my work has focused on England because that's where I've lived since 2003. Since I'm originally from the Highlands and have also lived in Glasgow I do keep a close eye on what's going on north of the border. With this blog I hope to follow things more closely.

I have thought for some time that there aren't enough map blogs which focus on Scotland. London is well covered and I do a lot of non-Scottish stuff in my work so I thought it was about time to rectify things. Since this is a map blog, I need a map in each post so the one below is just to demonstrate the relative scale of the Highland Council area and London. The former has only around 230,000 people but is bigger than Wales and the latter is actually pretty small in comparison but has over 8 million people.

Most of the maps you'll find on the blog have been made using freely available open datasets, and you'll see the relevant attribution and sources on each map or blog. If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to get in touch - I don't have comments enabled on here but my e-mail address is easy to find.